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The Temple of Apollo

The Doric temple of Apollo, who is considered the most perfect in the Peloponnese after the Temple of Athena Alea. The temple is built by the renowned architect Iktinos, in 421 BC. In 1987 started systematic conservation and restoration of the temple, and now is the second temple in Greece in the greatest condition after the temple of Hephaestus in Ancient Agora of Athens. The Temple is found in Figaleia, 54km to the southeast of Pyrgos, Elis.

Ancient Olympia

The village of Olympia is at a small distance from the archaeological site, 19km from Pyrgos. To get to the archaeological site of Olympia, one of the most significant in Greece and worldwide, cross the fertile valley of Ilia. The sanctuary of Olympia is in a valley against the background of the verdant slopes of Kronios hill and the River Alpheios, its peaceful atmosphere.

Ancient Elis

Ancient Elis, the largest city and capital of the homonymous city-state, was built on the north banks of the Peneus River, between the mountainous part of Elis (Akroreia) and its coastal lowlands (Elis Koile). The site was inhabited almost continuously from the beginning of the Middle Palaeolithic (130/120,000) until the end of the Early Byzantine period (seventh century AD), when the city was abandoned. Aetolos Oxylos is considered the city's mythical founder (twelfth-eleventh centuries BC). He allegedly took advantage of the Dorian invasion in order to subordinate the area's early inhabitants and founded the first settlement. The city thrived in the early historical period (eleventh-tenth centuries BC), during the late Archaic and early Classical periods (sixth-fifth centuries BC), and in the Early Roman period (second century BC - early third century AD).